Pearls of Wisdom ~ Azhaikkindran Arangan Episode April 6th, 2012

In Srimad Bhagavatham, a small child named Prahlada attained bhagavan. We see a 
5-year old Prahlada as well as his father hiranyakashipu. This child has no strength and in age also he is so young, whereas hiranyakshipu has been for so many yugas very old when compared to prahlada. Hiranyakashipu having performed severe penance to brahma seeking no death inside or outside, day or night, neither from living or non living beings, man or woman and obtained this boon. But prahlada had no such strength or boon. All the devas, indras including navagrahas were shivering in front of hiranyakashipu. Prahlada had no support at all. For prahlada what was the strength, it was the name of NARAYANA. When prahlada was asked by hiranyakashipu on whose support are you speaking to which prahlada replies that its on the strength of the lord who has given him even the power of speech, lord narayana. @2.00 minutes
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