An Archaryan must be equal to Sri Hanumanji. In what way one may ask - as a tapasvi, yogi and brahmachari and best of all as humble as Sri Hanumanji is. Vinayam is that quality that is only attributed to Sri Hanumanji. In the world, even if one has all the best of gunas, if humility is missing then all the other gunas will be useless. If a person has no gunas but if he has humility, then everyone will like him. If we have all gunas and dont have humility then not everyone will like him, but if one has humility and does not have the other gunas, everyone will start to like him. But with Sri Hanumanji having great power, brahmacharyam, rama bhakthi and amidst several great gunas being great in humility also is surprisingly a rare attitude. Maha Tapasvi!
For certain people who have been advised Nama japam and dhyanam and told to repeat that daily, after an year if we see them, although in his japam if they had shortcomings, they will say that they seem to have lost interest in social dealings, not interested in attending marriages, lost materialistic interests and all the time being in japam. But if we see what they are doing at home, they would be watching only TV. Only for the outside people they will say they have lost all interest. Even for those who have taken Japam and not doing it regularly. There are others who are always after work and they cannot do Japam and there are some even if they sit for sometime they will go to sleep. Some will always be doing something, some will say they are not interested in doing something always but with Sri Hanumanji there is a surprising thing is that they are doing both at the same time. There can be no one to equal the seva that Sri Hanumanji has done in the Ramayana.
Sri Hanumanji jumps across the ocean, on his way there is the Mynaka mountain, there is dakshAyani, chAyagrAhi challenging all the three, challenging Lankini gaurding Lanka, constricting his body to the size of a cat, entering Lanka, searching everywhere and inside Ashoka vana finding Sita, talking to Sita, giving Sri Rama's ring, consoling and comforting Sita, taking the choodamani, even facing Ravana giving him a message and successfully returns back to Sri Rama. Having returned to face Sri Rama who is worried at what has happened since their departure in search for Sita and no news yet, Sri Hanumanji is "Sollin Selvan", how beautifully Sri Hanumanji says as described in Kambar Ramayanam,"kandanan karpinukku aNiyai" - kandanan - some will tell that even not facing Sri Rama, Sri Hanumanji faced the direction where Sita was present when saying these words. Able to tell a message by means of an action. Sri Hanumanji showed this by offering his salutations to a person who is living and is pure. Just by means of an action there is was a message being conveyed. I have seen Sita, she is alive and also pure. Thus it has been said by Kambanatazhwar in the Kamba Ramyanam - "kandanan karpinukku aNiyai kaNgaLAl." Looking at Anjaneya, Sri Rama says "Maruti! I dont know what is it that I can offer in return for your great seva?", I have become unable to offer you a gift as great as your seva to me. Even if I can give you the kingdom of Ayodhya or even Sri Vaikuntam, there will be no equal to offer a pratiupakAran for your great seva. Saying so Sri Rama comes over to Sri Hanumanji and embraces him even then Sri Hanumanji is with extreme humility. Folding his hands in prayer, Sri Hanumanji says, 'My Lord Rama, you are telling me as if I have done something, I have not done anythign great, if you my lord think that there is something great that I have achieved then the only sole reason for that is your grace!. Even though my lord, when you sent 1000s of vanarAs in search of Sita, you gave the ring only to me, did you not. Its when you, my lord gave me the ring with the sankalpam that I will see devi, find Sita and the fruit of that sankalpam is what gave me the kataksham of Sita devi. But there is not a trace of my achievement or intelligence in this at all. If I need to say more, even if you my lord, had picked any one of the other vanarAs and given them the ring with this task, they may have achieved the same if not even more. You can make any of the other vanarAs more capable than me with your grace. You, my lord may get 1000s of vanarAs like me, but for myself I am very fortunate to serve you'. That is the bhAvam of Sri Hanumanji. Sri Hanumanji never got the thought that he has performed a magnificient task. Such was the humility of Sri Hanumanji.
Later when Sri Rama and his vanarA army are walking towards the ocean, VibhishAxhwar is coming towards them, there is the debate going on whether Sri Vibhishana can be accepted amongst them and when this is happening each one of them are expressing their own views. Many thought that Maybe Sri Vibhishana has come as a spy and come to find out the strength of the army and the capabilities of each of them whether they are capable in wrestling or using armoury and then go back to tell Ravana. Others were of the thought that Sri Vibhishana has fought with his brother already and how we can associate him with our army. Jambavam saying that the time and place is not correct to accept the surrender of Sri Vibhishana, likewise each and everyone has a say of their own. Only Sri Hanumanji says that we can take him into our confidence. The reason is Sri Hanumanji looking at Sri Rama can see the heart of Rama and feel the pang in Sri Rama's heart 'Is there anyone in this group who will say yes to invite Sri Vibhishana to our group and grant him refuge!'.