In the kshetram known as satyavratha kshetram, the present day Kanchipuram, izhaiAzhwar alongwith the company of periyanambi is listening to the 4000 divyaprabhandam as well as the sAthvIka vishnu purAnam and bhagavatha purAnams. The azhwarghazh discourses are great and wonderful to hear.
Therefore they are wonderful when listened to in the mother tongue and the opinion is that it is so sweet and nice to hear in the language of ones own mother tongue. If one thinks in one language and speaks in a different language, the words will not flow easily. Only in one's mother tongue does the words come freely and flow beautifully.
The other great thing is that one need not learn the mother tongue. In the village, if we have to go to a temple, there would be someone whom we meet and if we showed him a piece of paper where address is written even if it is in tamil, he would say I cannot read it sir but if you tell me the name of the temple I can show you. One may not know how to read or write but one can never say that he does not know how to speak. A simple example is that a small child being at home without any teaching whatsoever is able to learn the mother tongue automatically. We have not taught all the words to the child and neither have we taught any grammar. But if you happen to observe the child you will notice that on its own it will begin to learn the words one by one automatically. That is the greatness of the mother tongue.
The other great thing is that one need not learn the mother tongue. In the village, if we have to go to a temple, there would be someone whom we meet and if we showed him a piece of paper where address is written even if it is in tamil, he would say I cannot read it sir but if you tell me the name of the temple I can show you. One may not know how to read or write but one can never say that he does not know how to speak. A simple example is that a small child being at home without any teaching whatsoever is able to learn the mother tongue automatically. We have not taught all the words to the child and neither have we taught any grammar. But if you happen to observe the child you will notice that on its own it will begin to learn the words one by one automatically. That is the greatness of the mother tongue.
Not only able to sing the 4000 divyaprabhandams in the mother tongue but also being able to perform the nithya ArAdhana in the temple with the singing of the divyaprabhandams was brought into practice by ethirAjar. Even today whilst the perumal is in procession, the tamil vedam, 4000 divya prabhandam created by AzhwArghazh are being read. There is an associated uthsavam for 10 days as well called adhyayana uthsavam in Srirangam.
For about 6 months, izhaiAzhwar was in the company of periyanambi listening to the 4000 divyaprabhandam. Whilst being so, there is some difference of opinion between the wife of izhaiAzhwar and the wife of priyanambi. Therefore periyanambi leaves back to Srirangam with his family.
Now izhaiAzhwar thinks that in order to reach out to all mankind, he needs to lead a life of a sanyasin and needs that kind of sacrifice or thyAgam. In this world if one has to perform great things one needs sacrifice or thyAgam. Only by sacrifice can one be able to perform great things. If one has attachments he cannot perform great things. In order to just perform even wordly things one needs a huge amount of sacrifice. The thought with izhaiAzhwar is not related to just himself, attaining moksha, as for one to even beget such a nectar, one needs great sacrifice. But if one needs to get all mankind to spiritual realisation and get them to attain the thiruvadi of the bhagavan then this will need enormous sacrifice.
Therefore izhaiAzhwar decides to take up sanyAshrama. izhaiAzhwar places this request to pErarurAzhan and after obtaining the consent from pErarurAzhan, izhaiAzhwar takes up the sanyAsa in a place within the temple itself called thiruvanandasaras. Varadan tells izhaiAzhwar to always be with tridandam and kAshAyam (saffron robe). IzhaiAzhwar therefore takes up the tridandam and wearing kAshAyam, wearing the 12 thirumankAppu and having taken sanyAshrama is shining with the lustre of radiance from within. Just like the radiance from the sun that rises in the east during the morning, izhaiAzhwar is now shining with the same radiance, there is that peace that shines forth accompanied by the wonderful 12 thirumankAppu as well as the kAshAya that is worn by him. Varadaraja perumal, through thirukatchinambi now invites izhaiAzhwar along with all the great bhagavathars in HIS temple with all due honours after this. Now with tridandam, kAshAya vastram, wearing of the dwAdashapunram (12 namas), izhaiAzhwar comes to the sannadhi of pErarurAzhan, to beget the namam of "ethirAjan Ramanujan" from pErarurAzhan. That day, izhaiAzhwar who once went with just the kOdandapAni now comes back as tridandapani sanyasin and therefore the namam of the sanyAshrama as "ethirAjan ramanujan" is given by vardan with all due respects and he is attached to the matam now. If we go to kanchipuram even today, there is the 16 legged pillar in front of the sannidhAnam of pErarurAzhan. On the right side of the 16 legged pillar is the vanamAmalai jeeyar madam. Everyone says that in front of the vanamAmalai madam only did izhaiAzhwar after taking sanyAsam stayed until he returned back to Kanchipuram. In the East side gopuram, we can see the grihasthashrama home of ethirAjar. Outside this home there is a well which we can see even today.
Near the home of izhaiAzhwar there is a well. Once whilst pulling the water from the well, it is told that during a conversation there arose a difference of opinion between the wife of izhaiAzhwar and the wife of periyanambi. Having taken sanyAsam, izhaiAzhwar, whilst performing his kainkaryam to Varadan is staying in kanchipuram itself. As a result of the misunderstanding Periyanambi returns to Srirangam. When Periyanambi arrives at Srirangam all the followers of Azhavandar ask Periyanambi as to why he did not bring izhaiAzhwar with him as that was the intention behind Periyanambi going to kanchipuram. After sometime they were very happy to hear the nres from kanchipuram that izhaiAzhwar had taken up sanyAshrama and had been given they name of ethirAjar by pEraruzhAzhan. Everyone were now thinking how to bring ethirAjar to Srirangam and submit their request to Lord SriranganAthar. They request that somehow ethirAjar must be made to come to Srirangam and stay here permanently, protecting the vaishnava community as well as performing the daily kainkaryam to periyaperumal. Usually when we know someone who is a great person possessing key knowledge or technology, we invite him for some time to be with that firm or company, isnt it. This is normal amongst ordinary humans. If only he stayed with our organization it would be great, we would say, likewise both the perumal now compete each other for ethirAjar.
Who? both Ranganathar and Varadan. Ranganathar sends a Srimukham to Varadan through his devotees, a letter from periyaperumal himself. In that letter, periyaperumal requests Varadan to send ethirAjar for some time to Srirangam. EthirAjar can for some time be in Srirangam itself, performing daily kainkaryam in the temple itself and also help establish and glorify the Vaishnava community carried forward by Azhavandar. On receiving the srimukham, Varadan says that HE cannot give ramanujar to periyaperumal.
"We cannot send ethirAjar to Srirangam, you please go back the way you came", says Varadarajar. When the information is conveyed back to Ranganathar, Ranganathar thinks that it is by some logic (ukthI) only can Ramanujar be brought to Srirangam.
Azhavandar's son, tHiruvarangapErumal arayar was an expert in singing the divine hymns (dEva gAnam) as well as the art of dance. So Ranganathar tells him to "go to Sathyavratha kshEtram, go to the temple of VaradarAjar, pray to HIM and with your expertise of singing the divine hymns and art of dance make HIM happy. When VaradarAjar is happy and pleased with your songs, he would be pleased and grant you a boon. At that time, please ask for ethirAjar to be given to Srirangam temple, get that and come quickly back to Srirangam", says Sri Ranganathar. Likewise, thiruvarangapErumal arayar, embarking on this errand as ordered by Sri Ranganathar comes to kanchipuram. When hearing of this visit, he is met by "varam tharum perumal arayar". Varam tharum perumal arayar takes him to his home, taking him to the temple of VaradarAjar and makes him have the darshan of VaradarAjar. So being adept at singing the deva gAnam and in the sabha he sings very well and Varadan is very pleased to hear,
"eN nenjUM mEyAn enseniyAn tAnavanaI vannEnjakinda manivannan munsEIuliyAn ulipEyarthAn ukagEthum AliyAn athiUrAn"
Singing the dEva gAnam and performing the dance (abhinayam), VaradarAjar becomes so immersed and absorbed in listening to it, how great is the devagAnam and how beautifully he sings and how beautifully he dances. Now VaradarAjar needs to give him a token of appreciation and he gives him some ornaments as gifts. Thiruarangaperumal arayar kindly refuses to take them and so VaradarAjar now says apart from HIMSELF and Sridevinacchiar, HE is ready to give anything. When said like this, thiruarangaperumal arayar seizing the opportunity he was waiting for asks of varadarAjar that ethirAjar must be offered to be permanently situated at Srirangam. Now there is no exception to this as VaradarAjar having promised himself orders that ethirAjar must go to Srirangam and now arrangements have to be made to send ethirAjar to Srirangam. At this time, KoorathAzhwar and mudaliandAl have taken the feet of ethirAjar. ethirAjar has also performed the panchasamkAram to them. Now hearing that ethirAjar is going to Srirangam, both KoorathAzhwar and modaliandAl follow ethirAjar behind. Taking them with him, his daily arAdhana (nithyAradhana) diety of pEraruzhAzhan with him as well, ethirAjar arrives at Srirangam.
"Santhathi illamanainagal pOlE
thadamuzhai izhAmadamaghazh pOlE
then thAZhazhilAgudhi pOlE
desikan izhAOthugai pOlE
chandiram izhA thAragai pOlE
indiran izhA uzhagam pOlE
engazh Ramanujamuni pOnAzh ipuvidhAn eppAdiyAmO".
all the people of Sathyavaratha kshEtram now are suffering the loss of ethirAjar.
As ethirAjar is leaving, they describe his departure like this,
"thikku nOkki thirumbi thirumbiyE devarAsar tham kovilainOkki yE",
as ethirAjar leaves, looking back at the punyakOti vimAnam.
"thikku nOkki thirumbi thirumbiyE devarAsar tham kovilainOkki yE sekkArmEni mighaperum kaigazhAzl sOrunthakanghazh panineertherithida mikka kovil peruvazhil thannilE vedanalla marayOrghazh thammudan kukkaghathu pOgindra penghazh pOl poinar perum puthur munivan"
Just as the recently married bride goes to her husband's home, ethirAjar description of departure was likewise similar filled with emotion. Meanwhile Periyanambi, taking all the disciples of Azhavandar makes all arrangements to receive ethirAjar at Srirangam. With all due respects and offerings from the temple, taking ethirAjar and periyanambi leading from the front, they take ethirAjar to Srirangam temple. Sri Ranganathar is waiting with great anticipation to see ethirAjar. When coming to Sri Ranganathar, there is the procession with the "chatram, chAmaram, theevatti" and with all the great paraphernalia befitting a king, the procession will usually take place. But today due to his great desire to see Ramanujar, Sri Ranganathar himself now tells them to take HIM by holding his hands itself and not in a chariot procession. As they hold Sri Ranganathar by his hand and take him, Ramanujar sees and asks them with so much amazement and happy surprise, "Can you, devarir, HIMSELF come and invite me like this?'. For this periyaperumal says, the distance you travelled to see me is nothing compared to mine. You have come all this way to see me, while I have come only 4 feet. Immediately he gives the title "ubhaya vibhuthi aiswarya kainkarya sree" has been offered to you so you are called "ubhaya vibhuthi udayavar" so from this day onwards his thirunAmam is "ethirAjar, izhaiAzhwar, ramanujar udaiyavar. Likewise he is performing the daily vassal at Srirangam, our enpErumAnar.
Radhe Radhe
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